Monday 20 August 2007


Behind the office, a building is being renovated. Scaffolding abounds. The mews is filled with vans, skips and builders. I look out of the kitchen window. It's lunchtime; the builders are at rest. One walks towards me, 'BIG MAN. BIG HEART.' his t-shirt proclaims. He is well over six foot tall, shaved head, large diamond stud in one ear, a flourescent yellow waistcoat, shorts and big, dusty boots. Certainly, he is a big man, and for all his apparent ferocity, I hope the woman he goes home to can attest to his generous heart.


Quink said...

Last time I heard someone speak to a builder they shouted, quite improbably, to the top of a scaffold "Oi, Crispin, I can see your ringpiece".

Glamourpuss said...

Well, that's Hackney for you - you get a better class of builder in Belgravia.
