Tuesday 20 November 2007

Overheard III

I share a table on the train home with two pompous, middle-aged city types sporting male-pattern baldness and bad shirts. In between looking at their Blackberrys every five seconds the following exchange takes place:

"Five-star managers (pause) employ six-star managers. Yah? Two-star managers (pause) employ one-star managers..." He stops, with slightly pursed lips and a pointed look that dissolve into self-satisfaction at his profound insight.

"Yep, yah." replies his interlocutor.

I want to punch them both.


The CEO said...

Ah, the totally obnoxious financial manager, wait, I'm one of them now.

Pawlie Kokonuts said...

Sheeesh. Sounds like something straight out of "The Office." How insufferable.

David said...

Punching is too good for them. For some level of oaf, you really do need to swing a shovel.

Todd Camplin said...

Fight those smug jerks! I wonder what a Blackberry looks like flying outside the window of a train?