Monday 4 February 2008


We step towards one another, his leg rests between mine, my leg between his. Our thighs touch. Our stomachs touch. His chest presses mine, his arms snake around my waist, first one, then the other, pulling me deeper into him, into the eternity of this moment. Cheek to cheek we softly voice thoughts into ears. He hasn’t shaved but the stubble is surprisingly soft and I lean into it, into him, feeling the novelty and the memory of such pure chemistry. The words go on mutely, for it is our physical selves speaking truth. There is hunger in his eyes and fleetingly, I wonder what he reads in mine. I can’t keep my hands off him, but I must, must behave, resist desire, pretend, must not allow the intimacy of the moment to seduce me for we are not alone.


Shambhu said...

These fleeting moments are what we live for.

Bert & Flo Handmade said...

Is this Mr Ferrari? Puss - is there a little something we need to know?! *wink*

Glamourpuss said...

Nah, he's just a friend. This was someone else a short time ago.
