Thursday 28 February 2008

Natural Balance

My belief that all Range Rover drivers are cunts is temporarily threatened when a gormless looking woman in a big black one graciously allows me to pull out of the junction in front of her. As we move slowly up the high street, screaming sirens are swiftly followed by flashing blue lights and two police cars approach rapidly. The car in front of me, and I, pull over to the side of the road, but Mrs Range Rover, oblivious to the cavalcade behind her, indicates and pulls out to overtake us both, speeding up, getting just that little bit ahead. The front police car has to brake sharply and flashes its lights at the fuckwit in the big car. She speeds up, careering up the road, police car hot on her heels and not best pleased. Eventually, she gets the message and gets out of the way, pulling into a bus stop. Universal order is restored; once more, all Range Rover drivers are cunts.


Shambhu said...

Why do they need these behemoths in the city?

The Geezers said...

That's nicely consistent with my conclusion that all Escalade drivers are pricks.

Gucci Muse said...

A sow, plain and simple.

Katherine said...

Glad I'm not the only one who finds those vehicles obnoxious.


Seaurchin said...
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Seaurchin said...

Is it just me? or do you ever notice that they seem to take forever to get out of parkings? I want to get out, tap the window and tell them "if you can't drive it, don't buy it."

Seaurchin said...

I am hoping with rising gas prices they will become an endangered species. ;-)

Bert & Flo Handmade said...

Totally with you. The size of these things is always in inverse proportion to the small dumb bint driving it. In my run-ins with these things I'd just like to see how aggressive they're suddenly not once they step out from behind the wheel, but course they're halfway down the road before you take your hand off the horn.