Friday 24 October 2008

'Allo, 'Allo, 'Allo...

Two policemen stand on the corner of Victoria Street, talking. They sport day-glo yellow waterproof jackets, waterproof trousers, and cycle helmets. Each holds his police-issue mountain bike by the handlebars and looks serious, but only one is wearing sunglasses – the sporty kind beloved of outdoorsy types. The day is dark grey and damp, the sunglasses are unnecessary and incongruous, making PC Oakley look ridiculous. Oblivious, he struts and talks, and after a few minutes, they freewheel down the pavement, off to fight crime; a pair of modern-day Dixons.


Steve Malley said...


Pawlie Kokonuts said...

The Incongruity of Sunglasses. Great name for a band. Round these parts, in Upstate New York, sunglasses are typically incongruous, except as defense against the raging whiteness of sunbaked snow.

Jocelyn said...

I'm not against cops in theory. It's just that they are so often on a weird testosterone trip that puts me off.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think I can appreciate every steps that the police department is taking to ensure the safety of our society, but not all. I have seen lots of police departments with some really hot cars, something like Ferrari and Lambho, and I don't really see on how or why they would need those? They just spent the tax payers money to something that wouldn't make that much of a difference