Tuesday 20 January 2009


The smell has bothered me for months. It's very unpleasant - some days worse than others - but I can't place it. True, lots of people smell bad, but it's none of the usual suspects; not body odour, halitosis or Athlete's Foot. When he stands near me I want to cover my nose and mouth but politeness forbids that, so I bear it, try not to breathe too deeply. I had assumed it was just incompatible pheremones but as walk along puzzling, I suddenly think 'stale'. Yes, he smells stale. The word flowers in my head and resonates, a faint pleasure at having defined the stink wells up beneath renewed disgust.


Gucci Muse said...

Yuck. Say something.

Steve Malley said...

I know a few people (okay, a few guys...) who smell 'moist'. It's like 'stale', but wet.

Now I don't want to finish my croissant.