Wednesday 5 March 2008


It’s low tide this bright February morning. Verdant algae glows green and fecund on the river bank walls while the sulky trees sit resolutely brown and spiky behind them. London basks in blues skies and sunshine, and even the passive-aggressive, insistent pressure of a short, fat woman’s bulk on my wrist as I struggle to stay standing on a packed bendy bus can’t stop my spirit soaring for Spring.


Bert & Flo Handmade said...

Puss, educate me, as I've often wondered when I've read it here - what does 'passive-aggressive' mean / refer to ? Aggressive in a sort of quiet and contained way? (Isn't that the definition of 'assertive'? ) Thanks!

Glamourpuss said...

It's a psychological term to describe behaviour that is used to to cover up someone's real feelings towards something/someone - a way of expressing their aggression passively, i.e. without owning it. For example, rather than telling you wife he's not happy about her going on a girls' night out, the husband arrives home so late she can't go - but it's not his fault, it's traffic/work/whatever. The wiki definition is good, but this is more fun.


Gucci Muse said...

The beautiful Thames.....but how gross, I would have shoved her off of me. eeww.

Katherine said...

The nearness of Spring in one's beloved city–– I remember those soft jolts of happiness.
