Wednesday, 17 June 2009


The route to and from the doctor's surgery is familiar 'though less-travelled these days. As I walk along familiar pavements I consider his words; 'If there's one thing I've noticed about you in the months I've been seeing you, it's that you're one hell of a fighter. I have no doubt you'll sort this out.' He was referring to my recent redundancy but it is not that which I think of as I walk home. The doctor is a good man. He has kind eyes, a kind voice and has been a kind and steady presence in my recovery from the cruel depression that swallowed me last year. I am grateful, and I am flattered by his words; that such a good man thinks well of me is heartening indeed. I vow to lend truth to his words and leap the hurdles ahead.


Gucci Muse said...

That is wonderful progress!

The Geezers said...

Having been visited by the Black Thing twice in my life, I surely do understand what a true depression puts a soul through.

I would never have imagined it to be possible, back then, but these days I actually see some value in having gone through those times.

Glad to hear things are better.

Steve Malley said...

Things are better now, I hope?